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Chapter 2, Jing, Wetness, Ye, their pulse, clinic manifestations and treatment


It is called a Jing disease, if the person feels hot in the body, but cold in feet, strong tightness on the neck, chilly, and from time to time he feels hot on the head and red in the face, with red blood vesicles in the eyes, shaking on the head (only on the head), sudden tight jaw so that it is hard to open the mouth, the back reverse bend. 


The pulse suggests the Jing disease: tight as string from the Chun to Chi position.


In Taiyang stage, if the person has fever and sweat, and chilly, it is called Roujing[2] disease.


In Taiyang stage, the person has no sweat and the urine is unexpectedly short, he has air pushing-up feelin to the chest, the mouth is tight and hard to open to speak, all of the conditions suggests the onset of a Gangjing disease, use Gegen Tang.


For the Jing disease, the person feels fullness in the chest, tight in mouth, the body bends so it is hard to lie in a platen body condition on the bed, spasm in the feet. He will also bit his teetch. Use Da Chengqi Tang.


Da Chengqi Tang

(四两,酒洗) 厚朴(半斤,炙,去皮) 枳实(五枚,炙) 芒硝(三合)

Dahuang (washed with liquor) 60 gram, Houpo (processed, remove skin), 60 gram, Zhishi (processed) 72 gram, Manxiao 30 gram.


Add Houpo, Zhishi, and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil then keep in mild boiling until there is 1250 ml water in it left. Remove the residue, add the Dahuang continue to boiling until there is 500 ml left. Add the Manxiao in, bring to mild boiling for minutes until it is dissolved. Separate it into several parts. Drink one part. Wait for one to two hours see if there is bowel movement. If yes, stop to drink. If not, drink another part until there is bowel movement.


In Taiyang stage, the clinic conditions meet the need for the diagnosis of the Taiyang stage, the person’s body is tight, and his pulse is deep and slow, it is a Jing condition. Use Gualu Guizhi Tang.


Guolu Guizhi Tang

栝蒌根(二两), 桂枝(三两), 芍药(三两), 甘草(二两), 生姜(三两), 大枣(十二枚)

Guolugen 30 gram, Guizhi 45 gram, Shaoyao 45 gram, Gancao 30 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 2250 ml of water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep in mild boiling until there is about 750 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the tea each time, three times a day, to create a mild sweat. If there is no sweat after half to one hour, eat a bowl of rice soup to help the sweat.


In Taiyang stage, if the person has fever and if his pulse is deep and thin, it is called Jing disease, it is hard to treat.


If a disease is caused by Wind -invasion, the person is given a bowel-cleansing therapy, followed by a sweat therapy, he will have muscle spasm.


In Taiyang stage, if the person is given a sweat therapy and he sweats a lot, he will have the Jing condition.


No only with the Wind disease, but also with the Cold and Wetness disease, more sweat therapy will deplete the defense Qi from the body to cause the Jing disease. After sweat, if the pulse is as snake moving, it indicates an improvement of the Jing disease. IF the pulse is the same, or even deep and string, he is to have the Jing disease. 


For a person with ulcer in skin, he should not be given sweat therapy even if he has pain in the body, otherwise he will has the Jing condition.  


If the person has Jing disease and an ulcer due to a moxibustion, it is hard to treat his Jing disease.


It is the Wetness disease, if the person has pain in whole body, has fever and the skin is dark yellow.


For Wetness people[4], if he has sweat on head[5], stiffness in back, likes to be covered and likes to face fire, to early application of bowel-cleansing therapy will cause burping and fullness in chest and difficulty in urine. If his tongue covering is thick and white in color, it furthermore indicates Fire in his lower stomach area but Cold in the chest[6]. This makes him feel very thirsty but cannot actually drink water[7], again this makes him very dry in mouth and annoyed.


For the Shi person with continuous pain in the body, use Mahuang jia Baishu Tang to create a sweat therapy. Do not use fire-roasting therapy.


Mahuang jia Baishu Tang

麻黄(三两,去节), 桂枝(二两,去皮) ,甘草(一两,炙) ,杏仁(七十个,去皮尖) ,白朮(四两)

Mahuang 45 gram, Guizhi 30 gram, Gancao (processed) 15 gram, Xinren 70 (remove skin and tips), Baishu 60 gram.


Add the Mahuang and 2250 ml water into a herbal pot. After the liquid is evaporated for about 500 ml, remove the upper floating herbal residue, ad the remaining herbs in. Continue to cook until the liquid in the pot is about 600 ml. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the herbal tea, cover the body to create a sweat. 


In Taiyang stage, if the person has pain in the (big) joints, and his pulse is deep and thin, it is a Wetness Bi Condition. In the Shi Bi condition, the person has difficult in urine but a lose bowel movement (tends to be a diarghea). For the treatment, use urine therapy.        


For Wetness people[8], if he has sweat on head[9], stiffness in back, likes to be covered and likes to face fire, to early application of bowel-cleansing therapy will cause burping and fullness in chest and difficulty in urine. If his tongue covering is thick and white in color, it furthermore indicates Fire in his lower stomach area but Cold in the chest[10]. This makes him feel very thirsty but cannot actually drink water[11], again this makes him very dry in mouth and annoyed.


If such Wetness people has sweat on front head, has slight asthma, and has too frequent urination[12], they tend to die, so as they have too much and heavy diarrhea.


If the person has pain all of the body, has fever that is sever especially on the evening, it indicates Wind-wetness disease[13]. The reason for this illness is either because he catch wind when he had sweat before[14], or when he touched cold repeatedly before[15]. Use Mahuang Xinren Yiyiren Gancao Tang


Mahuang Xinren Yiyiren Gancao Tang

麻黄(去节,半两,汤泡) 甘草(一两,炙) 薏苡仁(半两) 杏仁(十个,去皮尖,炒)

Mahuang (remove the stem joints) 8 gram, Gancao (processed) 15 gram, Yiyiren 8 gram, Xinren 10 badges (remove skin and tips, fried).


Prepre the herbs into powder, take 7 gram, mix with 300 ml water, bring to boil until there is about 200 ml liquid left. Drink it when warm to create mild sweat. Avoid wind.


For the Wind-wetness disease, if the pulse is floating, the body feels heavy and has sweat, and the person dislike wind environment, use Fangji Huangqi Tang


Fangji Huangqi Tang

防己(一两), 甘草(半两,炒), 白朮(七钱半), 黄芪(一两一分,去芦)

Fangji 15 gram, Gancao (fried) 8 gram, Baishu 7 gram, Huangqi 20 gram.


Prepare the herbs into powder, take 9 gram, mix it with fresh ginger 4 pieces, Chinese date one badge, and 300 ml water. Bring to boil until there is abou 200 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink it when it is warm. Repeat it once after 2 to 3 hours.


If the person has asthma, add Mahuang 8 gram; with discomfort in stomach, add Shaoyao 4 gram; with air pushing-up feeling, add Guizhi 8 gram, with chronic cold in the lower abdomen, add Xixing 8 gram. The person should feel as worm moving in the skin and cold from down the lower back. Let the person sit on the soft covering and with another covering to cover his lower part of the body. Keep warm to create mild sweat.


Asked: with the Wind-wetness in the body, the person should feel pain all of the body. The principle for the treatment of such condition is to use sweat therapy[16] but it does not work in a cloudy and raining weather. From medical book, it is said that indeed sweat therapy should be used, but it doesn’t work. Why? Master: With the Shi body condition (the Fengshi condition), sweat therapy will remove its Wind but left the Shi behind in the body. This counts the failure for the treatment. You should control the extent of the sweat during the sweat therapy, not let the sweat heavily, but keep it mildly[17].

For eight to nine days of a disease similar to Shanghan[18], the person has Wind-wetness in the body and he feels pain in whole of the body[19] and annoyed, hard to turn the body, no nausea or thirsty. If his pulse is floating, weak and harsh[20], use Guizhi Fuzi Tang. (If the pulse is floating and strong, use Mahuang jia Baishu Tang). If he has hard stool but frequent urine, use Guizhi Fuzi que Guizhi jia Baishu Tang.


Guizhi Fuzi Tang

桂枝(四两,去皮), 生姜(三两,切), 附子(三枚,炮,去皮,破八片), 甘草(二两,炙), 大枣(十二枚,擘)

Guizhi 60 gram, fresh ginger 45 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin, cut into pieces)3 badges, Gancao (processed) 30 gram, Chinese date 12 badges.


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until there is 500 ml liguid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third each time, three times a day.


Baishu Fuzi Tang

白朮(二两),  附子(一枚半,炮,去皮), 甘草(一两,炙),  生姜(一两半,切),  大枣(六枚)

Baishu 30 gram, fresh ginger 23 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin, cut into pieces) 1.5 badges, Gancao (processed) 15 gram, Chinese date 6 badges.


Add the herbs and 750 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until there is 250 ml liguid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the herbal tea. After the first drinking the body should feel pain and tight. Repeat the second and the last one third drinking after every 4 hours. If the person feels cloudiness in mind or some kind of nausea-like feeling, no worry. This phenomenon suggests that the Baishu and Fuzi work in the skin to remove the Shuiqi (the Shiqi, or the water-like Xieqi).  

If the person has Wind and Wetness, he will feel continuous and annoying pain in the (small) joints. It is so painful that the points cannot be touch and the joints are hard to bend or strech. The person feels short of breath, sweat, hard in urine, dislikes wind and tends to keep covering on the body, or has slight swelling. In this case, use Gancao Fuzi Tang.


Gancao Fuzi Tang

甘草(二两,炙) 附子(二枚,炮,去皮) 白朮(二两) 桂枝(四两,去皮)

Gancao (processed) 15 gram, Fuzi (processed, remove skin, cut into pieces) 2 badges, Baishu 30 gram, Guizhi 60 gram, 


Add the herbs and 1500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until there is 750 ml liquid left. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day. After the first drinking, if the person has mild sweat, the pain will be cured. If the person has pretty good appetite, and feels annoyed/impatience after the sweat, drink half mount of tea thereafter. If it is worried the original one third of the tea is too much, drink only 60% to 70% of the one third tea.


If the Taiyang stage is caused by invasion of Hot (weather, or environment), it is called Ye disease. The person feels sweat and chilly, hot in the body and thirsty. Use Baihu jia Renshen Tang.


Baihu jia Renshen Tang

知母(六两),  石膏(一斤,碎),  甘草(二两),  粳米(六合),  人参(三两)

Zhimu 90 gram, Shigao (grind into small pieces) 248 gram, Gancao 30 gram, Gengmi 124 gram, Renshen 45 gram.


Add the herbs and 2500 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until the Gengmi is ready to eat. Collect the herbal tea. Drink one third of the herbal tea each time, three times a day. 


With the Ye disease, the person feels fever and chilly, feels pain and heavy in the body. Pulse feels string, thin, and slow. After urination, he could feel as the hair on the body straight and has cold feeling in the hands and feet. Little bit labor work could make him more hot feeling. With mouth open, the front teeth feel very dry. In this condition, sweat therapy could make him more chilly; hot needle acupuncture makes him more hot; and repeated bowel-cleansing therapy makes him feel pain and hot in the urine. [21]


For the Ye disease in the Taiyang stage, the person feels fever and very much pain, but the pulse is weak. It is due to the touch of cold water in hot summer season, so the water (the Shiqi) moves in the skin. Use Yiwu Guadi Tang


Yiwu Guadi Tang


Guodi 27 badges.


Add the herbs and 250 ml water into a herbal pot. Bring to boil and keep it in mild boiling until the liquid is half. Collect the tea, drink all once.


[2] Rou here means soft, not hard.


[4] People who is easy to suffer from the Wetness syndrome is called Wetness people or Shi people. They are usually those who are over-weighted with white color in skin and easy to sweat. In Shanghan Lun, other kind of body constitution mentioned are: Wine people, e.g. those who addictive to wane and liquor drinking; and Lipido-depleting people, e.g. those who have too much sexual life or sexual stimulation so to lose lot of liquid from the sex system of the body. Surely such kind of people tends to have more specific body disorders, compared with ordinary people. It is very important to realize the difference among people so to choose the proper treatment principle for each kind of body constitution.


In TCM, people are separated into different subgroups by other means for their body constitution: Wet people, Water people, Fire people, Wood people, Soil people and so on. It is also separated based on the kinds of herbs that are suitable to them, such as Chaihu people, Guizhi people, Dahuang people, Shigao people, Ganjiang people, etc. The words Chaihu, Guizhi, Dahuang, Shigao, Ganjiang here is the names of various herbs. However, body constitution is a reference in the establish of the clinic diagnosis, not the obligation factors.

[5] For Shanghan, the person has no sweat. Shi person has sweat but cannot have sweat all over the body but only on the head. 

[6] Overwhelming Shi condition will cause Cold inside of the body.

[7] For Fire condition, the person feels thirsty and drinks lots of water/cold water. For Shi-Fire condition, the person can also feel thirsty, but cannot drink actually.  

[8] People who is easy to suffer from the Shi syndrome is called Wet people or Shi people. They are usually those who are over-weighted with white color in skin and easy to sweat. In Shanghan Lun, other kind of body constitution mentioned are: Wine people, e.g. those who addictive to wane and liquor drinking; and Lipido-depleting people, e.g. those who have too much sexual life or sexual stimulation so to lose lot of liquid from the sex system of the body. Surely such kind of people tends to have more specific body disorders, compared with ordinary people. It is very important to realize the difference among people so to choose the proper treatment principle for each kind of body constitution.


In TCM, people are separated into different subgroups by other means for their body constitution: Wet people, Water people, Fire people, Wood people, Soil people and so on. It is also separated based on the kinds of herbs that are suitable to them, such as Chaihu people, Guizhi people, Dahuang people, Shigao people, Ganjiang people, etc. The words Chaihu, Guizhi, Dahuang, Shigao, Ganjiang here is the names of various herbs. However, body constitution is a reference in the establish of the clinic diagnosis, not the obligation factors.

[9] For Shanghan, the person has no sweat. Shi person has sweat but cannot have sweat all over the body but only on the head. 

[10] Overwhelming Shi condition will cause Cold inside of the body.

[11] For Fire condition, the person feels thirsty and drinks lots of water/cold water. For Shi-Fire condition, the person can also feel thirsty, but cannot drink actually.  

[12] Shi people tend to have abnormal or difficulty in urination, if they have no any problem in the urination, or even have too often urination, or have often diarrhea, they may die. This is a prediction told by the Master. It is indicated before that the principle for the treatment of such Shi condition is urine therapy to deplete Shixie from the urine. Here, the frequent and large amount of urination is due to bowel-cleansing therapy. It is a wrong treatment. The frequent urine now is a sign of Yinqi depletion!

[13] Feng means Wind. Shi means Wetness.

[14] Such as when one has sport, so has lots of sweat in wind weather or in strong air conditioning rooms.

[15] Such as one had been using cold ice patch on the body (when he has sport damage on the body), or use ice bath to reduce body temperature (such as seen in hospital to reduce high fever condition). Just as an example. Readers should be reminded that some paragraphs are talking about Shi body, some about Fire and Cold in the Shi body, some about the Fengshi condition. Exposure to cold usually causes Coldshi where as exposure to wind causes Fengshi condition.

[16] Use Mahuang jia Shu Tang.

[17] For the treatment of Fengshi syndrome, use the mild sweat therapy on a clear sunshine day is the best way.

[18] On the day of eight to nine, the person has no nausea (Shaoyang stage) or thirsty (Yangming stage), suggesting that he has no Shanghan disease.

[19] Pain in whole body suggests Wind invasion.

[20] Harsh pulse means Coldshi and the Xieqi is in the meridian.

[21] Sweat, warm needle acupuncture, bowel cleansing therapy, all are commonly used therapies in Shanghan disease. Here the Master warms us to be careful in the distinguishment between the Shanghan disease and the Ye disease. They need different treatment principle.